Stephen Euin Cobb 

…was a Guest Author at

ConCarolinas  2004







Stephen never seems to understand just how much danger he is in.






…Perhaps this is because he is so well guarded.






Stephen with Amy Lynn Best

(the horror movie actress)






Some of the smaller contestants in the costume contest






Stephen signing books alongside

Walter H. Hunt

(Author of the Dark Wing series of SF novels)






Stephen signing books alongside

Steve Antczak

& Alan Dean Foster






A graceful demonstration of

belly dancing skills






A young costumer prepared for the difficult competition ahead






Tee Morris poses while signing books

(author of the fantasy novel Morevi

and co-author of Podcasting for Dummies)








Peggy Cobb-Gregory (Stephen’s photographer, assistant and sister)

surprises her photographic subjects in the hall.


Crystal Ritchie seems the most surprised.

Bill Mann has his eyes closed.






Stephen with one of the Emperor’s Imperial Guards






Stephen with Janine 

(one of the cast members of the web radio show “Requiem of the Outcast”)






Stephen flanked by friends from his home town

Derrick and Angel Poe






Stephen being interviewed for the web radio show “Requiem of the Outcast”


(Left to right)

Rich Sigfrit  (Host)

Ron & Janine (Co-hosts)






Stephen has found a new friend… and a new hat?


(OK, the Klingon weapon is actually hanging on the wall behind him

but it sure looks like he’s wearing it.)






Stephen congratulating Mark Furr 

Champion of the First Annual Death Stacks Tournament

(one of several games Stephen has invented)


ConCarolinas is the official host of the Annual Death Stacks Tournament






Medieval combat demonstrations and competitions

by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism


The triumphant warrior with the skull on his chest is “Achbar ibn Ali” (James Morrow)

Achbar is also ConCarolinas’ SCA Liaison.






Achbar in other medieval garb.

(Moorish, I think.)







Cast of the web radio show “Requiem of the Outcast”

along with Nathan P. Butler

(Nathan is a founder and organizer within Star Wars Fan Audio)


(Left to right)

Janine & Ron (Co-hosts)

Rich Sigfrit  (Host)

Nathan P. Butler






Klingons in the audience

(The one on the right, because he looks 

human at the moment, is said to be "cloaked") 





Janine (left) asking Janet Iannantuono (right)

a trick question in which either answer is correct.


The prize?  A Requiem of the Outcast T-shirt.







Stephen had no idea this would be the last time he would participate on a panel with Kelly Goldberg.

 Her tragic and untimely death shook everyone who knew her.



Panel: The Nature of Evil


(left to right)

David “Davey” Beauchamp  (author of the Agency 32 Series)

DGK “Kelly” Goldberg  (author of Skating on the Edge and Doomed to Repeat It)

Scott Nicholson  (author of The Red Church and The Harvest)

Stephen Euin Cobb  (our hero)

Cindy Tallent   (ConCarolinas Programming Director and this panel’s Moderator)






Panel: The Pirate’s Role in SF&F


(left to right)

Mike Pederson  (Editor/Publisher of Nth Degree Magazine)

Scott Rorie  (in full pirate regalia)

Stephen Euin Cobb 

Tee Morris  (author of the fantasy novel Morevi)






Panel:  Judeo-Christian Themes in SF&F


(left to right)

Krista Sprecher 

Rev. James Young 

Fred Grimm  (moderating)

Stephen Euin Cobb 

Scott Nicholson






Bill Mann in his Pirate Persona







Gamers, pondering an assault on The Keep.






Mother and daughter costumers


Janine (right)

and her mother (left)






Dr Who knitting just a little more scarf






A costumer in scarlet










All these photos were taken by

Stephen’s loyal assistant

and sister:

Peggy Cobb-Gregory.

(Except of course this one, which Stephen took.)










Websites mentioned on this page:





ConCarolinas Website


Website for “Requiem of the Outcast”








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