Stephen Euin
was a Guest Author at
ConCarolinas 2005
Darth Maul won the
costume contest.
A cool costume with even
cooler makeup.
The audience cheered
That rambunctious crew
from the web radio show
“Requiem of the Outcast”
taped a portion of their show
in front of a live audience at ConCarolinas.
Here they are dancing to
the musical stylings of their guest “The Great Luke Ski.”
(Left to right)
Rich Sigfrit
Ron & Janine
The Great Luke Ski
of the Outcast Website]
Stephen Euin Cobb had a
chance to talk with Greg Keyes:
a bestselling author and
ConCarolinas’ Writer
Guest of Honor.
A lovely elf smiling in
the audience.
Stephen also spent some
time with David Weber:
another bestselling author
and one of ConCarolinas’
former Writer Guests of Honor.
Becoming Darth Maul
Can this sith apprentice sense his coming victory?
Derrick and Eileen:
Fans and costumers.
ConCarolinas’ Master of
Brian Holloway.
Brian enjoys getting
into the spirit of the con
by MC’ing
in one of his many cool costumes.
Stephen with his
favorite Klingon:
Commander Keela sutai-Septaric
CO, Dark Star Quadrant
Dark Moon Fleet
Imperial Navy
Klingon Assault Group
Stephen Euin Cobb being
a gift for kindnesses
rendered to Klingons in general
and to those of the Dark Moon
Fleet in particular.
(The gift is a cat,
hand-painted on a smooth black rock)
(The painter and
presenter is Commander Keela sutai-Septaric
“May Honor guide your
words and deeds!
May Glory follow close behind!”
“Qapla' !”
Angel and Derrick Poe:
costumers manifesting the past
and the future
(Angel’s bikini armor,
necklace and headpiece
are all handmade
Stephen Euin Cobb and
David Weber sharing a panel
Two of the many unsung
heroes of the Con
Cynthia Moreno and her
beloved Larry
Rulers of the ConSuite
It was by their labors
that we did feast.
Stephen laughing in the
face of danger
A little Romulan with her mommy.
Look closely!
Two Vaders
guard this Jedi.
The little Vader is the
girl formerly dressed as the Little Romulan.
Here she is flanked by
Janine (Big Vader) and
Ron (Jedi)
(Janine wanted the
picture re-shot, insisting that she blinked.)
Stephen Euin Cobb
signing books alongside
Julianne Goodman (Author
of historical fantasies)
and David “Davey” Beauchamp
(author of the Agency 32 series)
Eileen in a different
Phyllis George meets her
first Stormtrooper
Like Peggy (Stephen’s
loyal assistant/photographer),
Phyllis is one of
Stephen’s three little sisters.
Phyllis George (far
and her husband Bill (far
pose with Stephen Euin Cobb
(in the back)
And Tera Fulbright (in costume
as a Drow.)
(Stephen thought Tera was
Storm from the X-Men. The silly goose.)
Phyllis and her husband
Bill came to ConCarolinas to catch Stephen in action.
Elf with a camera
Stephen and Tera
(Tera is an active fan, costumer and renowned con organizer)
Members of the panel:
“How to Podcast”
files distributed
through the internet)
Rich Sigfrit
(Host of “Requiem of the Outcast”)
Tee Morris (Fantasy
Author) (standing)
Mur Lafferty (Game
writer & designer, blogger and pod caster)
of the Outcast Website]
[Mur Lafferty’s website: ”Geek Fu Action Grip”]
Janine in LOTR garb with Stephen
“Technology’s Role in SF&F”
to right)
James C. Bassett
(Sculptor and Hard SF author of “Living Real”)
Mike Pederson
(publisher/editor/ designer of Nth Degree Magazine)
Stephen Euin Cobb (Hard
SF author of “Bones Burnt Black” and “Plague at Redhook”)
David Weber (Bestselling
author of far too many SF&F books to mention)
[Mike Pederson’s website for Nth
Degree Magazine]
Two pirates and one Van Helsing
James Fulbright,
Bill Mann and Glen
(Wait a minute, is a one-eyed Bill Mann wild?)
The Great (and greatly
animated) Luke Ski
singing one of his famous SF
Weird Al Yankovic better
watch his back.
The “Nature of Evil”
Stephen Euin Cobb
Davey Beauchamp
Glenda C. Finkelstein
David Weber
[Glenda Finkelstein’s
Ron with a highborn
both in LOTR
Janine with the little Romulan
“Real Life Research for SF&F”
to right)
Tony Ruggiero (author of
SF, Fantasy and Horror)
Greg Keyes (Bestselling SF&F author and ConCarolinas Writer Guest of Honor)
Julianne Goodman (Author
of historical fantasy)
Stephen Euin Cobb
(author, inventor, artist, game designer, philanthropist)
Glenda C. Finkelstein
(SF and Inspirational author)
[Glenda Finkelstein’s
Stephen with a decidedly
prosperous pirate
(Glen Beattie)
Elf and Jedi
Stephen sneaking up
behind one of the sand people.
(Our hero is always
asking for trouble.)
Pretending a jealous
rage over identical costumes.
A bit of comedic drama
for the costume contest.
All these photos were
taken by
Stephen’s loyal
and sister:
Peggy Cobb-Gregory.
(Except of course this
one, which Stephen took.)
Stephen’s new show
Future And You”
Ideas and opinion about the future based
on verifiable facts of today.
Guests include:
Authors, Scientists, and other Pioneers
of the Future